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revolutionary song artinya

contoh kalimat "revolutionary song"
  • Revolutionary songs are frequently targeted at certain governments.
    Lagu revolusioner seringkali ditargetkan kepada pemerintahan tertentu.
  • Revolutionary songs are a notable part of propaganda.
    Lagu revolusioner adalah bagian terkenal dari propaganda.
  • Revolutionary songs are political songs that advocate or praise revolutions.
    Lagu revolusioner adalah lagu politik yang mendukung atau memuji revolusi.
  • Amongst the most well-known revolutionary songs are "La Marseillaise" and "The Internationale".
    Beberapa lagu revolusioner paling terkenal adalah "La Marseillaise" dan "The Internationale".
  • Some revolutionary songs have appeared spontaneously; others have been written by notable authors, such as Bertolt Brecht.
    Beberapa lagu revolusioner ditampilkan spontan; yang lainnya ditulis oleh para pengarang terkenal, seperti Bertolt Brecht.
  • The repertoire of the movement consists mainly in revolutionary songs and those of the working class of different nations.
    Repertoar dari gerakan ini terdiri dari utamanya pada lagu-lagu revolusioner dan lagu-lagu dari kelas pekerja berbagai negara yang berbeda.
  • Old Major, the old boar on the Manor Farm, summons the animals on the farm together for a meeting, during which he refers to humans as "enemies" and teaches the animals a revolutionary song called "Beasts of England".
    Mayor Tua membandingkan manusia dengan parasit, dan kemudian mengajar binatang-binatang menyanyikan lagu revolusioner ("Hewan-Hewan Inggris").